Emmy the Superdog!

Knew the day would come! Emmy literally saved my life.

I was trying to get into my stairlift at the top of the stairs, and I became mildly disoriented – partly my glasses, partly that I had not yet eaten, partly my occasional labyrinthine vertigo. I was teetering on the top of the stairs, when Emmy pulled back on the lead. I didn’t tell her to do that, she just did it.

It wasn’t very hard, but it was enough to reorient me. I was able to lean against the wall and brace myself. NOT tumbling down 14 steps is a blessing – and a lifesaver! At the least I probably would have had one or more broken bones – at my age, most likely a broken hip. At worst a concussion or even a fractured skull. Any of these can kill an older person. So I’m feeling pretty fortunate – blessed – to have Emmy!!